About Eva


In the past, my love life was anything but satisfying.

I would enter into a new relationship filled with hope, but pretty soon I would find myself feeling lonely and misunderstood - and all the while I was having a painful feeling inside that something was wrong.

It didn’t matter what kind of relationship I was in - I’ve had both long 10+ yrs relationships and shorter “situationships” - the loneliness, pain, anxiety and dissatisfaction were always present.

I would try so hard to change the relationship…trying to change the man, trying to figure it all out.

I’ve made almost ALL mistakes there is to make with men and love, and maybe all these mistakes were necessary for me to finally wake up and see what was going on with me?

The common factor in all my relationships were the unavailability. Emotional, physical or mental. The men I met could never connect with me on a deeper level.

I always felt so lonely, like I was always wrong in some weird kind of way… never truly seen, never truly loved for who I was.

I always wondered why I couldn’t connect with a man who really set me on fire. I just wanted to find someone who could love me - someone I could also respect and trust, but it all seemed impossible.

It was like if I was doomed to mediocre relationships with men I couldn’t feel anything for. And the men I really felt for - the never wanted me.

It took a long time for me to understand that my masculine energy, and the way how I was taught to pursue everything in my life, from my career to my relationships, was actually pushing men away from me.

I was so disconnected from my body and my emotions, that I sometimes felt like a robot. Always on, always doing, producing - striving so hard, working so hard to find love.

At the same time, my self esteem was very low. I had a great confidence in everything I DID - that is, in my masculine energy skills.

But I had almost NO confidence in my feminine energy - I didn’t dare to believe that I could be loved for just BEING.

The truth is - when we are disconnected from ourselves, it’s just impossible to connect to a man (or anyone else for that matter).

I know now, that when I was with those men who made me weak in my knees - I was totally unauthentic and a complete doormat, trying to please.

And with the men who really wanted me - I went directly in to my masculine energy and tried to change them, in the hope that they would be more likeable for me…

“If only he would change this, I would feel more for him…”

I could never feel confident and powerful - and soft and feminine at the same time!

If this is you - I feel you. I know what it’s like…and it can be changed. Your Feminine Energy is the way to actually be really POWERFUL and yet so soft, and vulnerable that a man can actually FEEL your heart.

This makes him fall in love with you. IF he is the right man…

When I found the concept of Polarity, I slowly started to tune in to my emotions, and I began to unfold the real me inside.

I had to re-learn to feel emotions. And I had to learn how to express myself and my emotions in a new way - a soft, vulnerable and authentic way that draws a good man IN rather than push him away.

And the more I practised being in my feminine energy the more Powerful and Soft I started to feel!

This has been so transformative to me that I have changed my whole perspective of life and love, and I see it my calling to help others to transform their experience of love, by teaching this way of relating in love and relationships.

So what if all it takes to transform YOUR love story and turn it into a Romantic Love Saga, is to learn just a few easy feminine energy tools?

Just a few skills and you will see results with men almost immediatelly.

I know for myself, that when I finally had the courage to dive into my mysteries, and face my own fears I got out on an amazing and wonderful journey.

This journey is teaching me skills about my body, my emotions, and the way I express myself to a man.

This journey brings me happiness just by being on the road.

This journey I call finding my TRUE FEMININE ESSENCE.

Your feminine essence is your DEEPEST TRUTH of who you are, and what you want as a woman.

It is about wanting what feels really good inside, rather than what you THINK you want or what your beliefs tell you that you should want.

Your True Feminine Essence is about becoming authentically YOU with all your flaws - and THIS is what will bring in the right man to you and let you experience the real love you crave.

It’s about being raw and unmasked, being the wild woman you are inside - yet being so soft and sensual, so sensual that your whole being is just radiating love to anyone who comes near you!:

To book a 20 minute free chat about your situation, and how I may be able to help you, just hit the button below. You will see my schedule and you can choose a time that suits you. You will receive a confirmation email with a Zoom link to our meeting and a calendar post to add to your calendar.

AND - if you don´t find a suitable time, just fill in the form and we will find something manually.

The path that I use to help you walk into your True Feminine Essence, contains questions, consultations and most of all: different practices, called Feminine Energy Tools.

These practices will not only change your love life, but your whole life. It will change how you feel about yourself so that you stay calm, confident and happy.

And once you are on this road of your True Feminine Essence, the communication skills I will teach you to accompany it, will fall naturally in place.

With my gentle and imaginative coaching you will be able to take a leap out of your current “stuckness” and get right into the dream of your perfect life.

I´m a trained coach, and a MSc in management. I´ve studied psychology and pedagogics, and I have been coaching in different areas since 2005 - but it is my own journey to finding love and peace inside, that is my absolutely most valuable asset in my coaching.