Two Reasons Why a Relationship Won't Work Out
Did you know there are two reasons - two very common reasons - why a relationship with a man just wont work out?
The first reason is that we women so often try to take over the relationship. We wear the pants in the relationship, we direct and control whatever is going on.
We pursue relationships. Sometimes we even chase men. And yes - I have been there too, and it makes complete sense to WANT to do that - especially if we sense the relationship is falling apart or that our man is pulling away…
And yet…when we do that, it will only create more of that unwanted distance and disconnect.
We need to first turn to ourselves.
Tune into our feelings, our bodies - simply, into our feminine energy. Only from this space can we be in touch with our intuition and creativity so we can KNOW what to do next!
When we step into our feminine energy, we regain the power over ourselves and our own life. Only then can we see clearly what is going on for us and for him, and we can make a conscious choice.
And that choice, can be to let him pursue us. We can leave that space open for him, so that there actually IS a gap for him to close.
It is ONLY in that space, in that empty roominess, he can feel the absence enough to step up and do what he is naturally inclined to do as a man.
And - this is important:
If you leave that space open - and you do it long enough (I’m not talking about a couple of hours - if you’ve been with him for a LOOONG time, we can be talking even weeks here) and he is still not stepping up…..
He simply may not be able to do relationships at all!
This is the second reason to why a relationship wont work out. He may not be relationship material. He may not know how to do relationships at all.
And this has NOTHING to do with you!
Many, many of us grew up with really poor role models.
And not everyone is interested in re-learning or doing the internal work it takes, to actually change perspective on what a loving relationship should look and feel like.
If this is your guy, it can simply be the case that he knows no other way of doing things. He may not be mature enough to see himself.
And there is nothing you can “DO” to change that. You cannot direct him, or tell him to step up. You cannot wear the pants long enough to change him….! The only thing you will achieve with that is RESISTANCE.
But here’s the thing: the moment YOU start calling yourself out to change….the moment you discover the patterns in YOU… and you begin to change YOUR responses to him: the way you TALK, THINK and LOVE….
This is the moment where you can INSPIRE him to want to change too!
A masculine man likes to do things for you, he's showing you love by giving you things, taking you places, cherishing your feelings… by asking for commitment… by taking into account how you FEEL about things.
He wants all this to be his ideas. When you push him into doing this, he will loose interest.
YOU - as a feminine energy woman - don't have to do those things! These are all his tasks.
Instead you show him love by listening to him, by accepting him, respecting him…trusting him.
The conclusion here is that NO MATTER WHAT THE REASON IS - You can ONLY win by returning to your feminine energy!
Because if he is not able - you will finally see that when YOU stop doing all the relationship work. And then you have a choice. Then you can have a conversation from an empowered feminine place.
And if he IS able - HE WILL STEP UP!
Yep, he will. You - in your feminine energy…will be so compelling and different to him, that he will WANT to become a better version of himself.
Interested in finding out more?
Just click the link here to book a free call with me, where we can walk through your situation and discover how YOU can embrace your feminine energy and inspire your man.
xx Eva