How Feminine Energy Will Help You Attract Love

Do you know what it feels like to embody your Feminine Energy?

When I first decided to change whatever wasn’t working in my love life, I had no idea what Feminine Energy was.

I had never heard of the concept of Polarity in relationships OR why this is such an important concept to learn if you want to attract a masculine man and build a lasting, romantic relationship.

I only knew that I wanted to be with a man I adored - someone who adored me back. And I worked so hard to get there. I was doing SO much to get that love, and yet I could never “achieve” it.

The biggest missing piece in this search for love & romance came from the fact that I was almost ALWAYS operating from my masculine doing, action oriented energy.

Little did I know that Feminine Energy - the BEING, open and feeling energy - is the ultimate KEY that helps you attract a man!

In fact, your feminine energy is the root to what makes him fall in love and creates that Relationship GLUE that makes a man want to stay with you. Forever!

I was brought up to be a “modern” woman, a 50/50 woman, an independent woman….I was taught to believe we as women need to be strong, capable and show the world that we can do everything on our own. I thought this would give me love.

If I just showed my brilliance, how capable I was, how much money I could make or how smart I was, THEN he would love me.

Only that. He didn’t.

You see, a masculine energy man - the kind of man we usually say we want - is NOT attracted to a woman who is all in her masculine doing, thinking, action oriented energy.

He’s not attracted to a woman who can do everything herself and who is competing with him.

He’s not attracted to someone who is pursuing him, chasing him, mothering him or giving more to him than he gives to her.

He’s not attracted to someone who is DOING a lot of things to show how great she is (…so that he should love her).

He’s not attracted to someone who is running the show, explaining, advising, correcting or trying to make something happen.

I know this is counterintuitive and goes against what we’ve been taught…yet, I’ve seen it so many times by now…

A man falls in love with us when we’re just BEING. When he can connect with our hearts. Not because of our Doing.

When we are still, warm, soft and open to receive from him - deep feeling yet drama free - then we are adding something to his life that he hasn’t already got - namely the Feminine Aspect of the relationship.

When we allow ourselves to just BE - to connect with our OWN HEARTS first - that is when he connects with his heart, and us. That’s when he falls in love.

And when this happens, he feels like he can be your HERO. And that is SO attractive to him!"

I know this may sound cheesy…so let me explain.

Being a hero means:

  • He feels like he is ADDING something to your life, i.e. he feels needed. That’s so important for a masculine man.

  • He feels as if he can make you HAPPY. That you receive from him and that you appreciate him.

  • He feels SAFE with you. He can express himself like a hero and know that you won’t judge him - because he sees that you’re not judging yourself.

  • He feels like he has to work to get you. You’re the princess, the queen, the fairy, whatever - point is, he wants to show himself capable and earn your love. (Yes. There’s no coincidence that this is the case in literature, fairy tales and movies. It’s hardwired in our genes. And to be honest - if you allow it, you’ll find that it feels GOOD to be pursued!)

I know it feels good to achieve things, and I remember having the belief “I need to be clever, and DO things in order to be loved” .

This was so ingrained in me that I couldn´t see how it was actually working against me!

If this is you right now, I feel you. It makes complete sense and it is SO common to work hard for love…

All my clients are wonderful, capable, intelligent women.

But we restrict ourselves and our capacity to love, when we live under the belief that we have to do stuff in order to be loved!

Because it is not how much we do in this world, how much we DO for him or how smart of successful we are that determines our level of love.

Quite the opposite. The right man for us, he loves us when we’re just BEING. When we’re in our feminine energy.

What you need to do in order to attract your man is to show yourself as you are, when you are just being. That is, in your feminine energy.

So let´s go back to the original question:

How does it feel to embody your feminine energy?

I don’t know about you, but the following are things I’ve noticed in myself and discussed with the over 100 women I have coached:

  • feeling sensual on a deep level, i.e. in touch with all of your senses

  • receiving information from your senses without any urge to do something

  • experiencing your senses, as flowing in your body

  • feeling at ease

  • feeling radiant, like if you can feel your body glowing

  • feeling peaceful (in mind, body and heart)

  • feeling powerful, full of energy, without doing anything

  • feeling turned on, especially towards life

  • feeling surrendered, as if nothing matters because everything is ok

  • feeling open to receive

  • feeling warmth in the heart area

  • feeling limp and soft in the shoulders

  • feeling relaxed in your face muscles

  • feeling tingly when breathing deeply

  • feeling like the energy is coming towards you -in a felt sense, almost tangible on your skin

  • feeling warm and radiant

  • feeling like you move in slow motion

These are just some EXAMPLES of the things to look for. How you experience your Feminine Energy is highly individual.

So ask yourself - how does it feel to embody your feminine energy? How does feminine energy really FEEL? To you?

For me, it took a long time to really start tapping into all these things. I had to relearn everything, especially how to feel my emotions and the sensations in my body.

You see - when we lived in our Masculine energy for a very long time and have those types of ingrained beliefs that I had.

OR when we simply don’t feel SAFE - in our bodies, in our environment, in our heart - then it’s almost impossible to embody feminine energy.

That’s why I have several different programs to help you go into your feminine energy.

For example, if you’re in survival state, protecting yourself and your heart, living from a place of anxiety and fear - you’ll need to get your anxiety under control FIRST.

That’s why I developed the Calm Love Program. A $9 self pace digital program to help you release anxiety and move out of survival state. As you work with the tools - you naturally start to embody more and more of your feminine energy.

Or if you are a smart woman, a career woman used to accomplish EVERYTHING in life - but LOVE: then the “Let Him Love YOU” Group coaching program will be a perfect fit.

I don´t want anyone to struggle as long as I did.

That´s why the Feminine Energy tools that I now teach in my coaching and include in my program, are all there to help you quickly understand what is not working for you, and transform that into something that is so much more attractive.

Your Feminine Energy.

Lots of Love


Eva Elly